Enterprise development
Public revenue
Macro modelling
Climate and energy
Regional growth

A platform for evidence-based policy formulation: Lessons from SA-TIED

January 2022

This report is a summary of the SA-TIED programme’s major research contributions to the policy environment. These contributions are not policy proposals, but are meant to inform the policymaking process and fill important gaps in our evidence base. The research presented in the body of this report—all recently published under the SA-TIED programme—fills crucial knowledge gaps and supports policy formulation to address key challenges and promote inclusive development in the region. In 2022, SA-TIED embarks on a second phase. The programme will continue to rely on the same key principles that have proven successful. A strong emphasis on developing synergies through collaboration and inclusivity is reflected across the entire programme—in research, capacity building, and policy-bridging.

Download the SA-TIED special report