Faster than you think: Renewable energy and developing countries
Large and rapid declines in costs for renewable energy systems, particularly solar and wind power, and efforts to limit greenhouse gas emissions are reshaping energy systems globally. Expanding renewable energy systems have great potential to achieve widespread electricity access, improve food security, and reduce emissions. Developing countries with high solar potential have a significant opportunity to leapfrog directly to more advanced energy technologies that are low cost, reliable, environmentally more benign, and well-suited to serving dispersed rural populations.
This seminar will discuss the broad changes occurring in renewable energy and the implications and opportunities for developing countries.
Keynote Speaker
Channing Arndt, Director of Environment and Production Technology Division, IFPRI
Manish Bapna, Executive Vice President and Managing Director, World Resources Institute
Elizabeth Bryan, Senior Scientist, IFPRI
The research was supported by SA-TIED and the CGIAR Research Program on Policies, Institutions, and Markets (PIM).