SA-TIED work showcased at the 7th World Congress of the International Microsimulation Association
Wynnona Steyn of the South African Revenue Services presented a recent SA-TIED study at the 7th World Congress of the International Microsimulation Association (IMA) held in Galway, Ireland. Wynnona Steyn is the co-author of SA-TIED Working Paper #30: Modelling Value-added Tax in South Africa.
The two-day conference is held annually to showcase new and groundbreaking advances made in the fields of microsimulation agent-based modelling and computational methods (view the programme). Wynnona Steyn presented her team's recent work on a VAT tax increase in South Africa, its impacts on income equality, and the public policy options available to redress the potentially inequalizing effects of the revenue-enhancing increase. Her team's empirical work on an issue of contemporary tax policy used and advanced the SAMOD tax and benefit microsimulation tool first developed collaboratively by SASPRI and UNU-WIDER.
SAMOD has been used as a prototype for the development and use of similar microsimulation models in eight other developing countries under UNU-WIDER and SASPRI's SOUTHMOD project.
To read more about microsimulation models and their use in generating policy-relevant research for economic development, visit the SOUTHMOD projet website.
To download Wynnona Steyn's powerpoint presentation, click here.
To read the SA-TIED Working Paper on South Africa's recent VAT tax changes, click here.