25 Nov 2020 / 12:00 to 14:00
Climate and energy
Research seminar

Launch of the Climate Transparency Report 2020 hosted by ESRG

The Energy Systems Research Group, University of Cape Town, invites you to the webinar event to launch of the Climate Transparency Report 2020: South Africa Country Profile on 25 November at 12pm.  

Raising ambition requires tackling difficult decarbonisation challenges, and they will be presenting in addition to the report, two such challenges – the transport sector, and the Iron & Steel industry in South Africa. In addition, they will be showcasing the modelling platform upgrades, developed in partnership with SA-TIED, that allows us to attempt to tackle and understand these challenges – SATIMGE

The line-up is as follows:
1.    Presentation of findings of the Climate Transparency’s South Africa Country Profile Report. (Caitlin Bergh) 
2.    SATIMGE-2020 – the linked SATIM energy and Economy model. (Bruno Merven) 
3.    Low Carbon Transport Futures for South Africa. (Fadiel Ahjum) 
4.    Hydrogen for Iron and Steel in South Africa. (Bryce McCall) 

RSVP to energysystemsgroupuct@gmail.com


POLICY BRIEFLeast-cost power pathway for South Africa
by Bruno Merven, Gregory Ireland, Faaiqa Hartley, Channing Arndt, Alison Hughes, Fadiel Ahjum, Bryce McCall, and Tara Caetano

POLICY BRIEFA just transition to cleaner energy in South Africa
by Faaiqa Hartley, Bruno Merven, Channing Arndt, and Gregory Ireland